PPD Patients Need Love and Support.

Post Partum depression ,commonly known as PPD is a mood disorder that can affect a woman after childbirth. Mothers with PPD go through a lot if emotional trauma;they get anxious,sad,extremely tired,and so on. Normally, one would expect such women to be treated with patience and love ,however , its the other way round.

Scientifically, after childbirth the level of hormones(oestrogen and progesterone) in a woman’s body drop immediately .This fall leads to chemical changes that occur in her brain and may trigger mood swings.

In such cases, let’s show them love. Let’s help reduce the number of women with post partum depression. We can achieve this showing them love, and caring for them. Also , we can encourage them to be happy all times. They have every right to be happy. PPD patients need love too!

Condemn Xenophobic attacks!

Xenophobia, a strong feeling of fear or great dislike towards people from other countries has enveloped some citizens of South Africa or so it seems. Foreigners are being attacked brutally.The massacre that is going on in the country is running out of hand. Every country has foreigners,that’s the fact but how are these foreigners treated?Now that is an ultimate question.

Sadly, South Africa is not the only African country that has some irresponsible citizens attacking foreigners but it’s about time we said something. The silence of human rights advocates is costing a lot as Africans..The world does not have room for cruelty. I acknowledge the efforts of some country leaders across the continent are putting in place to curb these inhumane acts. Xenophobia is a threat to the African leaders’ vision of a unified Africa. Let’s rise boldly and stand against Xenophobia!!

Why Stay in Abusive Relationships???

While people stay in abusive relationships because they believe they are in love , many others stay such relationships because of money , looks, and so on. Unfortunately , what they do not know is that some of these relationships can actually lead to their deaths.

Many people in the world are suffering from abuse , and instead of walking out some of these poisonous relationships, they give themselves many excuses they deem tangible to stay. Some people remain in these relationships, hoping that situations would change someday.

It is not okay for your partner to abuse you.If he or she does, they do not value you. Walk away from abusive relationships and save your life!

Indiscipline on the Rise in High Schools .

Indiscipline in our senior high schools are increasing at a rather alarming rate. Incidents happening in our schools questions whether school authorities are actually in control of our second cycle institutions , or the students are in charge.

Policing students to their dormitories by the school cadet corps , instead of causing chaos ,should have brought order in Diamond High School. Prior to the mayhem, the commander of the cadet corps ,Master Papa Yaw Tsumasi instructed the cadet corps to escort both male and female students to their various dormitories .The order was given to prevent immoral activities by students.

However, contrary to the expectation ,policing of students after evening preps caused a disarray. This is something that could have been prevented.

Teachers should step up their game. They are doing a lot but they still have more to do.The young ones today are the future leaders in the near future, and if they are causing riots in their schools , then what would become of the nation , should they become leaders.

I urge all teachers and parents out there to be in charge of their game for a better future for the nation .

Domestic Violence is Unacceptable

Domestic abuse, commonly known as domestic violence is an aggressive behaviour within the home typically the abuse of a spouse. The prevalence of domestic violence remains unacceptably high, with ten to sixty-nine percent of women being assaulted worldwide . In Ghana thirty three to thirty seven percent of women have experienced domestic violence.

Even though predators are punished for abusing their spouses in the home, numbers of these cases are still increasing.Sadly, some tribes even encourage domestic violence against women saying that men are superior , and that women do not have a voice.

Unfortunately, these are happening and even some ladies in authority are not saying anything about it. Its high time these things are stopped. Desist from Domestic violence.

Let’s Leave Emotions Alone!!

Emotional abuse, is an aspect of abuse which is a form of brainwashing, that slowly erodes the victim’s sense of self-value, security in themselves and others .It’s symptoms involve a series of actions intended to control , manipulate, and confuse the victim or worse till, make the victim feel guilty.

”The scars you can’t see are the hardest to heal” a popular saying by Alauda Astrid simply tells what actually happens when an individual is being abused emotionally . Even though no physical scars are seen, the victim is made to feel useless .In other cases , victims are made to feel responsible for every bad thing that happens.

Unfortunately, many people are being abused emotionally without knowing. They are being intimidated and threatened by people they claim to love . However, we must know our worth. We cannot let ourselves be undermined by anyone. Let’s save ourselves now!!!

Let’s Give Male Victims a Voice!

Oftentimes , when we talk of abuse, we only talk about women and children. We do not ask ourselves if ever men are being abused, but unfortunately they are.

Furthermore, when issues are being brought up concerning issues relating to male victims of abuse , people quickly brush it out. People have a perception that men are superior and cannot be abused .This , though unfortunate , is the reality.

I debate the social reaction to incidents relating to male victims abuse .I believe we should encourage them to speak up .We should not stigmatize against them, but rather, we should give them a voice.

Child Sexual Abuse? Let’s say No!!!

Every abuse is a traumatic experience.No case is different , even though there are a variety of cases.In this article, I am focusing on cases involving biological or foster parents,and guardians.

Many a times, when a child, most especially a girl child is being abused by the parental figure , she finds it difficult to open up someone or report the person in question.This is not uncommon.I say this because, she is mostly threatened and she loses her self confidence as she’s being abused over and over again.

Most victims of abuse keep to solitude.They get angry with themselves and the world , when instead, they should report their predators , in order for their punishment to serve as a deterrent to the others.Let’s stand against child sexual abuse , let’s say no!!